Body Cam Shows Drunk Passenger Wetting Herself, Swearing Out Officer

Estimated read time 2 min read

New police body camera footage shows a drunk passenger swearing and wetting herself while being escorted out of an airport.

In September, an inebriated woman was attempting to fly from Dallas-Fort Worth Airport to Colombia when she got into an alleged altercation with airport staff. The woman had become belligerent after she was told to consolidate her carry-on items, and had taken swings at the airline staff who tried to talk to her.

She was arrested for public intoxication after two staff members said they wanted to press charges against the woman for assault, according to The Daily Mail.

She claimed to have only had two vodka tonics at the airport bar, but was slurring her words and speaking incoherently during the interaction.

New footage shows that as she was marched away from her gate, the continued to scream at one of the arresting officers, mocking him for his salary and the size of his penis.

“Pieces of mediocre sh*t of your life, you feel good make $60,000 a year?” she spat. “You f*cking tiny piece of sh*t. You feel good f*cking your wife with you’re f*cking five-inch d*ck?”

She then fell to the ground, and officers quickly became aware that she had wet herself.

“She p*ss herself?” one officer asked. She insisted that she did not, but the officer said he could smell urine.

“It’s probably your f*cking wife’s fucking the guy who f*cked her before he fc*ked you,” she grumbled incoherently. She continued her profanity laced tirade toward the officer as she laid on the ground, refusing to get up.

“You feel good about yourself? You f**king six five eight fucking d**k stack f**king short tiny a** dick… cause you wear a uniform makes you feel good about yourself? You and your f**king facial hair,” she said.

“I’m not fighting you that bad you fucking pussy,” she said as she laid on the ground.

The woman’s legs had to be constrained as she was carried to security. She eventually started walking again, and was escorted from the building by officers.