German man who got COVID vaccines 217 times had ‘no noticeable side effects’

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Doctors report a man from Germany has been vaccinated 217 against the COVID virus with no negative medical symptoms.


A German man who received 217 vaccine doses against the virus that causes COVID-19 in the last 29 months has reportedly shown no side effects, researchers said.

The 62-year-old from Magdeburg, Germany showed no sign of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 as well.

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Researchers from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg said the man received the high number of vaccinations “deliberately and for private reasons”.

They had contacted the man after hearing about him from a newspaper and asked if they could undertake tests to examine his body’s response to the multiple COVID-19 jabs.

They published their findings in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal this week.

“Our test case was vaccinated with a total of eight different vaccines, including different available mRNA vaccines,” Dr Kilian Schober, from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, said in a statement.

“The observation that no noticeable side effects were triggered in spite of this extraordinary hypervaccination indicates that the drugs have a good degree of tolerability,” he added.

No signs of compromised immune system

The team found that the man had higher levels of immune cells and antibodies against coronavirus than people in their control group who had received three vaccine doses.

Otherwise, the “hypervaccination” did not lead to the man having a compromised immune system or adverse effects.

A public prosecutor had verified 130 of the vaccinations over nine months as part of an alleged fraud case, but no criminal charges were brought against the man, researchers said.

Another 108 vaccinations were individually recorded with some overlap with those reported by the prosecutor.

The researchers warned that the study only looked at a single case and that they could not generalise conclusions for the public.

“Current research indicates that a three-dose vaccination, coupled with regular top-up vaccines for vulnerable groups, remains the favoured approach. There is no indication that more vaccines are required,” said Schober.

“Importantly, we do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity,” the authors added in conclusion.